Friday, January 27, 2012

Apparently this baby likes Frosted Mini Wheats

Typically, a short while before we go to bed, Kami will eat a little bit of cereal to help keep her prenatal vitamin down. The last few nights, the cereal of choice has been of the strawberry Frosted Mini Wheats variety.

In conjunction with this story, it's important to know that Kami got very good news from The Good Doctor on Wednesday when he said she could take Gas-X with no problem. That was huge.

So anyway, last night we were about to go to bed, and Kami shrieked. I am one who is typically averse to sudden, loud, shrill noises, so I freaked and ran into the bedroom where Kami sat, smiling.

It seems as though the baby rather likes Frosted Mini Wheats, seeing as how thrice this week she has felt this sensation after eating strawberry Frosted Mini Wheats. I was skeptical, thinking maybe the gas bubbles were the source of her delight. But at 15 weeks, it seems as though it's fairly common to feel a little twitter in your uterus from the baby moving around by this point.

The Babby, of course, isn't flat-out kicking or anything, just giving Kami the old Aunt Jemima treatment from inside.

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